Physiotherapy procedures are prescribed to speed up recovery, rehabilitate the body after a long painful period, restore normal life processes, heal injuries and restore tone to the body. In chronic diseases, physiotherapy helps to reduce the risk of exacerbations or get out of such conditions. Physiotherapy can improve the effects of drug therapy.
It can be used to treat disorders in several of the body’s systems, including:
The biggest advantage of physiotherapy is its naturalness. Non-pharmacological procedures stimulate the body to positive activity, due to which it recovers or copes better with problematic conditions. A professional physiotherapist is able to supplement the prescribed courses of drug treatment with the right group of procedures. Some of them are prescribed to enhance the effect of drugs, some support health during periods of rest from drugs or after the end of pharmacological treatment to transition to a familiar state.
Properly selected physiotherapy procedures help:
In addition, physiotherapy methods are used in the preparation of athletes for training and competition in order to reduce the risk of injury, as well as a preventive measure in hazardous work.
Physiotherapist and IBCLC Lactation Consultant
Our physiotherapist Prachi Shetye has 11 years of experience in the field of paediatric and adult physiotherapy working in both India and the United Arab Emirates.
She will identify the root cause of the pain and create a personalised treatment plan, based either in the clinic, in your own home or both, in order to put you on the road to recovery. She has posture clinics where she will assess your current posture, suggest areas for improvement and write up a treatment and exercise plan to work towards correction.